Business Description — Development
From the selection of suitable sites to financing, construction, and completion of power plants

Site selection and negotiation
We select the land suitable for the power plant and coordinate with the landowners and right holders.

Meteorological condition survey
Various meteorological data, such as solar radiation and wind conditions, will be observed in the field at the planned power plant construction site.

Power generation forecast
We simulate the long-term expected power generation based on field observation data and evaluate its feasibility.

Environmental impact assessment
The impact of the power generation project on the surrounding natural and living environment are studied in detail, and predictions and assessments are made based on the results of the study. We will also strive to build consensus with people living in the surrounding area through information sessions and other approaches.

Model and equipment selection
We start checking the weather conditions, site conditions, and various other constraints. After we select the most suitable model and equipment, we finally plan the layout and installation method.

Technical discussions with electric power companies
We make the necessary design to connect to the power company's transmission and distribution system, and discuss and determine the technical requirements.

In addition to developing all the design and implementation plans for site creation, transit lines, self-operated transmission lines, and all other aspects necessary for the construction of the power plant, we also do everything from calculating the strength of the equipment to obtaining required certifications.

Permission and approval procedures
We consult, coordinate, and apply for permits and licenses based on various related laws and regulations, such as the Forestry Law and the Agricultural Land Law.

Financing and various contractual procedures
In order to raise the necessary funds for commercialization, we hold consultations and negotiations with financial institutions and originate project-finance type of loans. We also manage the entire project finance process, including the execution of all the necessary contracts.

Construction management
We thoroughly manage all construction work (equipment transportation, civil engineering work, electrical work, commissioning and adjustment, etc.) from construction work starting to the operation start to ensure that it is carried out safely, appropriately and smoothly.
The completion of the power plant